Hiya Nancy,
Are you in an area with a Spinal Injury Support Group?  If so, that is  
where I would begin.  As he is 23, he is of legal age to make mistakes as  well 
as achievements.  Always be there and ready, when asked, to suppose  him 
when necessary.  There are systems outside which are available to  him.
I wish you and your son the very best of luck.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 1/30/2012 6:53:44 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
ntpgrn...@aol.com writes:

Hi I am mother of a 23 year old with C5/C6 injury injured 4 years now.  
Trying to understand when I need to step back and let him pick up the pieces,  
move on and create his own road map. He is a wonderful caring 23 yr old who  
never complains, doesn't dwell (verbally)and is pretty much my hero. He has 
 returned to college and just finished an internship as a college 
requirement.  When he is not doing either of the above he has endless hours to 
with  limited abilities. Up until now his long time friends have been around 
and  spend time with him regularly but I worry that he is not out in the 
world  meeting new people and that one day his old friends may move on. Which 
is only  natural at that age..but it breaks my heart!
That being said it takes every  once of will power to not be in touch with 
him 24/7. He currently lives with  his older brother who works odd hours and 
I am the remote care taker in the  morning and transportation to and from 
school, work, wherever....I can think  of suggest and plan many adventures 
but he doesn't have the interest....:(  
Trying to know my boundaries.....how involved should I be at this  point?

Peace be with you........


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