You are right, Dan, and on my good days, I remember that. On my bad days, I get 
so frustrated at having my limits. I know I am very lucky and am actually 
feeling good enough today to sew, which I am doing between reading my emails. I 
am able to do so much and I have to remind myself to be grateful for what I am 
capable of. 
I just miss the old me. I was the peppy cheerleader in high school that grew 
into a high energy happy adult. Unstoppable, independent, fiercely independent. 
My motto was that I didn't mind dating guys as long as they could keep up with 
me in mind, body, and spirit. I miss taking photos while hiking in the state 
parks. I miss amusement parks. I miss being able to get up and go with my 
husband in the middle of the night just because we woke up and decided to watch 
the sunrise, go out for breakfast, or just wanted to drive to see something.
Now, I have to hope for good days just to get out of bed. My husband has been 
great, but I know he misses the old me too. I'm just luckier than most since he 
stuck by me. 
As I said, I know I am lucky. I just have days where I still need to think, 
reflect, and come to terms with my new self. 

"Scars remind of us where we’ve been, they don’t have to dictate where we are 
~David Rossi of Criminal Minds

 From: Dan <>
 Remember Candle, there is a finite number of things you cannot do but
there is an infinite number of things you can do!


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