Joan that was as always very eloquently stated. I love your attitude especially the part about making someone laugh every day.


At 11:40 PM 2/6/2012, Joan Anglin said something that elicited my response:

Candle (I love your name, makes me think of forever hope and warmth)

I think that we’re all pretty much in the same boat as you. Each and every one of us has had to deal with loss on an individual basis. At 51 I still ran everywhere, we had 15 horses that we were breeding, training, showing and selling and I was the chief cook and bottle washer. We also had four mentally handicapped children and a teenage daughter at home as well as two grandchildren that showed horses as well. Our house that we had built by ourselves in the seventies was a bi-level house on a bi-level basement (three sets of stairs) and we had no outside access from my bedroom area to the living area. For several months after rehab (and my husband’s insurance would only pay for 90 days) the only way I could get up or down was in a Manual wheelchair with two people carrying the chair up or down the stairs. I got home in January and did not get my electric chair Until June! How many ways can you say depression and totally feeling absolutely unnecessary and useless. Eventually the family support and many friends who rallied around me brought back my spirit and fight and things started to get drastically better. I found new ways to do old things, learn that many things I’d never be able to do but I became very good at teaching others to do them. As a C4 quad that has only a shoulder shrugs I have had to learn to have some thrills vicariously through other people. Amusement Parks-I make an excellent child watcher while others do their rides, and I get pleasure from the fact that I can free up the parents so they can also have fun. We still have four horses and I can get to watch grandchildren and their friends having fun just being kids with horses. Yes, I do miss my horseback riding and climbing aboard a warm steamy horse and loping through the snow with absolutely no noise but the horses breath and feet crunching the freshly fallen snow! I hate, hate having to be fed but it is much better than not living. J Each of us has to find an inner place that we can be comfortable with and what works for me will probably not work for you. The last 3 ½ weeks I have been in and out of the hospital with cellulites and the bowel blockage, but and finally I am on the mend. I have been going in for antibiotic IV daily and have had to realize how lucky I am while I listen to the dozen or so other patients who were all there for chemotherapy and for several it is the third or fourth time they have repeated the treatments. How do they keep such an upbeat demeanor I do not know, but it was a reality check for me and I am going to continue (or at least trying to continue) to treat each day that I am with my family and friends as a gift and a treasure and hope that I will be able to continue making a difference in some small way and making someone laugh each and every day. I hope that you can find a place where you can still regret what you have lost and move on to what you can still do and be able to ride this roller-coaster of life with more good days then bad.
Joan wondering what happened to winter but not complaining!

" You are not enclosed within your bodies; nor confined to houses and fields. That which is you dwells above the mountain and roves with the wind."

Kahlil Gibran

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