I think so!!
I also have a 14 year old son I enjoy living to see grow up!!!

Sent from my BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: jume9...@comcast.net
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2012 15:38:00 
To: <quad-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Injury Anniversary

Hi all, I'm sorry for those of you who feel bad on your anniversary. I 
acknowledge mine (31 yrs June 20) but I try not to dwell on it. What is the 
alternative? It gets better with time, don't you think? 


Tomorrow is my 41st anniversary. Diving accident. I tend to replay the day With 
a lot of what if's and if only's. I also tend to ruminate on what my life might 
have been had that day turned out differently. In my younger days, my mom would 
bake a cake for me. 

Sent from my iPad 

Begin forwarded message: 

Resent-From: quad-list@eskimo.com 
From: Don Price < donpric...@yahoo.com > 
Date: August 5, 2012 10:02:50 PM EDT 
To: quadlist < quad-list@eskimo.com > 
Subject: [QUAD-L] Injury Anniversary 
Reply-To: Don Price < donpric...@yahoo.com > 


Next week will mark the 30th anniversary of my spinal cord injury. I've never 
really 'celebrated' or recognized the date each year--in fact, I had to ask my 
parents what day it happened. I'm just curious how some of you commemorate your 
accident date, or if you prefer to forget it. 

I'm remembering mine because it's also my 30th high school reunion. 

Tempe, AZ 

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