Actually, you are correct.  Cranberry, is not a cure, but a  preventive, by 
coating the lining of the bladder.  Just as Orange Juice,  and Vit C can 
create an acidic environment in the bladder.  Bacteria  doesn't do well in an 
acidic environment.  I can't really comment on the  effectiveness of 
spirits, as it takes pretty much by the time it hits the  bladder.  Why don't 
test that convention and report back   (smiling)
Test strips to measure the PH is a good start....
Best Wishes
In a message dated 10/16/2012 2:50:09 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Saw a report on the noon news today that said just released study found  
cranberry juice has zero effect on bladder health. Well, now, ain't that a  
fine howdy! I was thinking of switching to Maker's Mark anyway. I know it  
kills germs!

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

Resent-From: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
From:  _wheelchair@aol.com_ ( 
Date:  October 16, 2012 10:12:36 AM EDT
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
Subject:  Re: [QUAD-L] UTI Hell

Now might be a good time to mention the seasonal Pomegranates, blue  
berries, and raspberry/ strawberries.
Pomegranates are in season and very healthy for one's bladder.   They also 
makes a nice snack too.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 10/15/2012 9:14:43 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
_silverstreams@sbcglobal.net_ (   writes:

The doctor actually is very concerned with me and bacteria. I  don't seem 
to get rid of them. I had MRSA three times in the last two  years, 
hospitalized twice in one month. I get UTIs quite often. So often  that I am 
cranberry juice daily and even eating dried  cranberries. With me, 
prevention seems to work best. As for antibiotics,  they give me constipation 
or very 
loose stools. Not too much in the middle  for me. 
When  I have constipation, nothing much seems to help. So, not sure what to 
tell  you on that, other than my doctor keeps a close eye on me and my  
As  for bad veins, I had horrible veins when I was in the hospital for a 
gall  bladder surgery. One vein bulged up as they tried to insert the IV and 
you  could see it bubble and pop. They told me that when people get ill or 
deal  with chronic health problems that the veins don't always cooperate. 
Since  I have been out of the hospital, I have had to get two blood tests and  
those times were fine, but I wasn't sick. They were trying to determine if  I 
needed something special, but they never said if that was a PICC or port  
and finally, they found someone who could find a decent vein.
I  saw an infectious disease specialist when I had MRSA that wouldn't go  
away. He basically monitored me and had follow up to make sure I wasn't  
still carrying a fever and was sick. He finally gave me a clean bill of  health 
and then I didn't have to see him any longer. I think that he was  watching 
my MRSA and determining the strain which was supposed to give  them the idea 
of what antibiotic would be best.

"Scars remind of  us where we’ve been, they don’t have to dictate where we 
are going."  ~David Rossi of Criminal  Minds


From: Mandy <_moo_on_wheels@yahoo.com_ ( >  

I've been battling a persistent pseudomonas bladder infection on  and off 
since May. This last one has kicked my butt, leaving me weak and  tired, and 
I've tried two strong antibiotics with no results. Any time I  change meds, 
especially with antibiotics, I get constipated. The week  before last (when 
I was on Rocephin) I went 5 days without going and  wanted someone to just 
shoot me.

Anyway, after I got off that drug  the BOP went back to normal, but my UA 
came back positive again and I  started another antibiotic on Friday. I 
haven't pooped since then.  

Does anyone else have this problem with antibiotics? Does anyone  else have 
experience with pseudomonas? It was easier getting rid of the  staph 
infection I had in March. :( A quad friend recommended finding an  infectious 
disease doctor. 

The other question I had is in regards  to IV drugs. I have BAD veins- the 
last 3 hospital visits the nurses, IV  team, flight crew, tried to get an IV 
and no one was successful. I had a  PICC line early on (the head of 
radiology had to put it took him 3  hours) and my doc is thinking about 
putting either a PICC or a port in now  if I need to switch to an IV med. 
Opinions? I'm not sure which would be  better/easier to put in.

Mandy, c6-7

I would like  to come back as a palo santo tree on the weather side of an 
island, so  that I could be, myself, a perfect witness, and look, mute, and 
wave my  arms. -Annie  Dillard


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