Honest, its your butt, not mine.  But I would contact a wound care  
specialist for inspection and debreeding before you begin using bee's spit or  
the counter preps.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 2/12/2013 1:03:51 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
blan...@verizon.net writes:

Got a  pressure sore the size of a quarter on my ass. My pharmacy informed 
me that  Regranex is not be manufactured anymore, And I have $100 co-pay for 
it. I'm  using Hydrogel, but the wound needs something more effective 
before it starts  Tunneling. 

Any suggestions? I heard natural bee honey works, anyone  have experience 
with it?

Me Bum is causing lousy  spasms.


Sent from Billy Lang's  iPad

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