With the discussion on the site, I thought I would send this again.   Quite 
but I feel it is important.
I have a friend who is charge nurse in a wound clinic and deals with
the latest technology in wound healing.  
I feel that it would be wise to print this information, research it, and  
put it in use
when needed.  I am a bullhead and almost needed a 2x4 along my head  to
try using tea on my skin.  I'm a believer.
Here goes:
I had an area in the  groin area, measured 1 inch long and 1/2" wide, with 
little depth.  Our  normal treatment was washing the area with tea to change 
the pH in the area,  applying Neosporin or something similar, apply 
zenaderm and then bag balm.   The healing went back and forth, sometimes 
better then stepping  back.  Well, after hunting season I called a friend, RN 
at the local wound  care center, to give us some ideas.  The area first 
opened in August  due to an attendant not seating me correctly. 
After looking at the  area my friend suggested a treatment that they are 
using at the wound  center.  Many of us will stay with something that is tried 
and true, but we  were going down that path and it did not work so let's 
try the new  stuff. 
She recommended using  a new dressing with Safetac technology. ( 
http://www.molnlycke.com/us/Wound-Care-Products/US/Safetac-Technology/ ).   The 
dressing is called Mepilex Border dressing, _(  
Border.pdf)  )  similar to what I have known as "mini island dressing."  
The difference  between the two dressings is the Border Dressing uses a tape 
that is silicon  based and does not damage the skin when removed or when you 
shift weight.   The border dressing has a telfa style center but is very 
thin.  A normal  dressing would have bunched in this area and the border 
dressing does bunch to  some extent, but less than the island dressing and is 
less a  problem. 
Everyone is aware of  the white skin that surrounds a wound as well as 
whiteness in the center of the  wound. 
The whitish film that  is in the center of the wound is called bioberden   
A product called  acticoat, was placed on the area then covered it with the 
border dressing.   Although manufacturer states that it can remain on seven 
days she recommends  only three or four days.  The acticoat contains silver 
which helps to  remove the white area and keep the area free of bacteria.  
After the wound  is clearer of bioberden, we discontinued using acticoat and 
started to use  another product Puracol AG+ which also has silver in the 
product.  The  Puracol was covered with the Border dressing and remained on 
three or four  days. Puracol is a collagen product  
the collagen is  absorbed into the wound and promotes healing. 
We however did run  into one problem.  We were able to get a few samples on 
the border dressing  but found that the pharmacies and medical supply 
centers in our area did not  handle the product.  Needing a dressing to keep 
Puracol in place we used  "Extra thin Hydrocolloid dressing" a dressings 
to  DuoDerm. 
Big mistake!   This dressing although very thin folded inward and bunched 
on a lump, tearing  the skin and causing yet another open area.  The 
unfortunate part is that  the original area was almost healed by this point and 
we are working with a  new area in an area that is even more likely to 
bunched up any bandage that is  applied.  We are using the border dressing and 
is staying in place with  the help of Medfix tape. 
I believe that the new  procedures reduce the healing time.  The original 
area which was open for  approximately 4 months healed within two-three 
As I started to search  the Internet to purchase the border dressing and 
Puracol AG+, IMPORTANT MUST BE  AG+(with silver), I found some prices 
ridiculous.  One vendor had the  border dressings at a price of $75 but with a 
little searching I found them for  $25.  The same was true for the Puracol. 
In addition we will be  using the silicone tape ( 
c/ )  instead of the Medfix tape.   
Another tip for us  that get yeast infections in the groin area, body folds 
and under breasts.   I was 
prone to yeast  infections and my friend also gave me a lesson.  A yeast 
infection will  remain in the skin 
2 weeks after any  visual signs are gone.  I smell a yeast infection before 
it appears and  start treatment right away.  The smell is a musky scent.   
I wash the area with  tea, fan dry and apply Lamisil or lotramin.  Fabric 
that has silver  embedded, 
_www.noblebiomaterials.com_ (http://www.noblebiomaterials.com/)  can be  
placed in the area which also does wonders. 
I make the tea by  putting a tea bag, cheap stuff, in a small bowl with 3 
ozs. of water.   Microwave for  
1-2 minutes and let it  steep in the microwave for 6+ hours.  I make 2 
batches at a time, using 1  in 
the morning and 1 in  the evening. 
Works for  me! 


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