I find it inconceivable that Robin Williams is gone.  It hurts in ways I never 
imagined.  I hope he has finally found some peace.  God speed Robin.


On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 9:47 PM, "wheelch...@aol.com" <wheelch...@aol.com> 

If it means anything to anyone... He was quoted once as saying " Life Is 
Not For Everyone" during an interview with Public Radio.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 8/12/2014 8:28:15 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
lissw...@hotmail.com writes:
The more I read and watch about him, the more it breaks  my heart. I just can't 
get over it! So sad!
>Lissette  Whitehead
>416 W. San Ysidro  Blvd.
>San Ysidro, CA  92173
> From: wheelch...@aol.com
>Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 21:10:32 -0400
  Re: [QUAD-L] Robin Williams story
>To: jume9...@comcast.net; 
>I am very angry with Robin Williams right now.  Yes, he was very  good friends 
>with Christopher Reeves and often went out of his way to visit  him in the 
>hospital and raised money for the family.  The world lost a  great humorist 
>and comedian.  
>Best Wishes
>In a message dated 8/12/2014 8:00:21 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
>jume9...@comcast.net writes:
>I just heard on the news a story about the  time Robin Williams dressed up and 
>disguised himself as a russian doctor who  came to Christopher Reeves bedside 
>at the hospital after he broke his neck.  In a fake accent he kept telling 
>Christopher to roll over. It was the first  time he had laughed since his 
>accident. I will miss him.

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