Larry, what type of pain pills are they?? don't you have any type of medicare 
or insurance at all? If you do- then you need a plan that will help more with 
the type meds you need? nobody can pay that kind of money for meds. Dan *

On Friday, January 30, 2015 7:35 PM, Larry Willis <> 

Question:  Any of you peeps use or tried Miralax? Does it help, is it reliable? 
Any accidents? Time to vent -- had my pain pill prescription filled yesterday, 
90 pills. The price? Almost $1200! I just about fell out. There are a few words 
for this, none of which are adequate. Immoral, unethical, sinful, greedy, vile, 
heartless, disgusting, and a long list that I shall not say. My nexium is 
nearly as bad. I canceled it. What in God's name are people supposed to do?

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