Can you change to a different med that's not so costly?
I spent the day, not overnight, at the hospital a few months ago. I just 
recently got the bill... $42,000.
Luckily I have insurance. Because my insurance has a contract with the 
hospital, they were only charged $12,000.
So a family with no insurance pays almost 4x as much. That's just not fair.
I like the idea of national health care, but this thing now is just too 
confusing. I say just national Medicare.

> Question:  Any of you peeps use or tried Miralax? Does it help, is
> it reliable? Any accidents? Time to vent -- had my pain pill
> prescription filled yesterday, 90 pills. The price? Almost $1200! I
> just about fell out. There are a few words for this, none of which
> are adequate. Immoral, unethical, sinful, greedy, vile, heartless,
> disgusting, and a long list that I shall not say. My nexium is
> nearly as bad. I canceled it. What in God's name are people
> supposed to do?
> Sent from my iPad

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