I hear you
No paralysis put worry, anxiety and panic for sure.


> On Sep 27, 2015, at 8:08 PM, greg <g...@eskimo.com> wrote:
> Getting older, 51… 32 post injury. I'm having more health issues, most 
> worrisome or at least hardest to deal with are panic attacks. Not classic 
> panic attacks, mine are more worry attacks. I get stuck in a loop of 
> obsessive worrying. Mostly money, what's going to happen when old, etc. It 
> leads to the panic feeling. Like feeling like not getting enough air. 
> The worst part is going to bed when worrying. I get obsessive worrying, then 
> the feeling of having to get up. I start feeling like I'm going to panic. The 
> worry of going to have one can be worse than having one. I start to worry 
> about going to bed. What if I have one in bed.
> I tried a few antidepressants, and panic attack meds, from my doc. Made me 
> feel sick, I had to stop. So I'm going to see someone about it. Someone who 
> knows more and can adjust them. I just don't know if it can help when they 
> are lagit worries. No med can take the worries away. I just have to stop the 
> obsessive part.
> G.

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