If anybody on this list is having difficulties with panic attacks, I'd like to 
offer my services. 
I'm a meditation instructor. I could teach you techniques over the phone to 
help you calm down, relax and mellow out whenever you feel an attack coming on.

Smile Everyday

> On Sep 29, 2015, at 8:30 PM, Bryce Willis <lwillis82...@msn.com> wrote:
> Don, that is one of the best posts I have read in a long time! Intelligent, 
> passionate, informative, and captivating. I agree that panic is entirely 
> mental, but oh what power it has! Your third paragraph really hits home 
> because I've experienced the same thing. It is the helplessness, the anger, 
> the fear, the heart and blood pounding irrationally in the ears, and the 
> exploding head that set things off. Thanks for sharing, Don. Embrace the 
> night and all that it brings, Calm my soul as the night bird sings.
> Sent from my iPad
> Begin forwarded message:
>> Resent-From: quad-list@eskimo.com
>> From: Danny Hearn <ddh...@sbcglobal.net>
>> Date: September 29, 2015 at 7:09:15 PM EDT
>> To: Don Price <donpric...@yahoo.com>, Larry Willis <lwillis82...@gmail.com>, 
>>  "quad-list@eskimo.com" <quad-list@eskimo.com>
>> Subject: Re: Fwd: [QUAD-L] Getting Old, Panic
>> Reply-To: Danny Hearn <ddh...@sbcglobal.net>
>> Well said Don, I think you are right , I used to get panic attacks and many 
>> times it can be related to the fear of dying or loss of control, like you 
>> said try to find a way to control as much as possible then try to learn ways 
>> to calm the mind....like you said Tv or etc., Myself I  think praying helps 
>> me plus trying to stay positive as much as one can.  Dan H**
>> On Tuesday, September 29, 2015 3:34 PM, Don Price <donpric...@yahoo.com> 
>> wrote:
>> I think a large factor in panic attacks is related to loss of control (e.g. 
>> inability to get up, turn, etc.) I've learned that if you can find ways of 
>> controlling as many things in your environment -- especially while in bed -- 
>> it greatly helps reduce panic/anxiety attacks. Examples: raising and 
>> lowering your bed independently, ability to control room temperature or a 
>> fan, ability to control tv/radio/lights and especially the ability to use 
>> the phone and computer. All of these things are possible using today's 
>> technology. If you are able to control things around you I believe you will 
>> feel less anxious. However, I'm not a doctor and I don't even play one on TV.
>> I remember my first anxiety attack; it occurred one night while I was in the 
>> acute care hospital after my diving accident. I was still in a halo-like 
>> device and completely immobile. I began to feel the walls closing in on me 
>> and the panic set in. Somehow, I managed to flip through the TV channels 
>> and, mercifully, I found a movie that held my attention and calmed me down. 
>> To this day that miracle film is still one of my all-time favorite movies -- 
>> it's not that it's all that special cinematically, but it holds a special 
>> place in my heart for calming my soul that dark night in 1982. The movie is: 
>> Jeremiah Johnson.
>> The only other times I get these anxiety attacks is when I roll myself too 
>> far at night and end up face-down in my bed, unable to roll back over. For 
>> one thing it's hard to breathe, but secondly it puts me back in the memory 
>> of floating face-down in the water when I had my diving accident. I was 
>> fully conscious and floated face down, unable to move for what seemed like 
>> minutes, although it may have been seconds. Very scary stuff, and I wouldn't 
>> wish that kind of panic on anyone. Sometimes, when I hear news stories about 
>> an earthquake where people are buried alive, I think about the people under 
>> that rubble and how they must have that same feeling of horror being unable 
>> to move and breathe. Nightmare inducing.
>> OK, now let's think of something more positive: if we still have trouble 
>> with panic attacks, instead of relying on drugs we might want to check into 
>> hypnosis or meditation techniques. I've thought about doing this many times, 
>> but haven't. The power of the mind is amazing; if we can learn techniques to 
>> shut off the negative thoughts we will be better able to avoid the worry, 
>> panic, anxiety.
>> This morning I was driving to pick up a friend. As I pulled my Honda into 
>> her parking lot the sun was just rising and I was driving east, looking 
>> straight into the orange-yellow glow. My windshield was dusty so I hit the 
>> fluid button and the wiper solvent sprayed onto my window. For a brief 
>> moment I witnessed a tiny rainbow prism in the mist, against the morning 
>> sky, and then, as if by magic, a hummingbird flew in view and hovered, for a 
>> second, right in front of me. The beauty of that moment was so moving that I 
>> literally said thanks to God. If I saw that scene in a movie I would say it 
>> was over-the-top hokey, but it actually happened. The next time I'm 
>> panicking I'll try to recall that image of the hummingbird in the rainbow in 
>> the morning sun. Of course, Jeremiah Johnson might laugh at me, but Robert 
>> Redford would understand.
>> Don P.
>> Tempe, AZ

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