Greg, I have almost that same problem about once a week. I will wake up very 
uncomfortable but I can't tell if I am hot or cold. My hands are always like 
icicles regardless. And I have the shivers, something my father used to 
do....and he was able–bodied. Our body thermostats are screwed up. I get 
overheated, think I am cold, pile on more covers and get even hotter. Sucks to 
the high heavens. Hate it.

Larry Willis
Retired and proud of it

Begin forwarded message:

> Resent-From:
> From: greg <>
> Date: September 30, 2015 at 8:30:46 PM EDT
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: Fwd: [QUAD-L] Getting Old, Panic
> I went 20 years before I had my first panic attack. I've only had a few what 
> I would call panic attacks. Where I just had to get up in the middle of the 
> night. The few bad ones I notice I got really overheated and could not get 
> the blanket off. When I'm really hot, I just don't feel like I'm getting 
> enough air. If I lay to flat I can't breath as good either. I have the bed 
> remote, but it has fallen a few times.
> I more often get this obsessive worrying. Then that leads to worrying I'm 
> going to have an attack if I lay down. Only once it was bad enough I stayed 
> up all night in my chair. Then I feel bad I gave in to it.
> I have bed, fan, tv, remotes now. I have them all tied onto the bed remote. 
> Unfortunately to use one I have to uncover my arm and often can't get it 
> covered back up. Luckily, most of the tv is voice controlled. I still need to 
> get control of my lights. I had it on my Sicare, but the switch receiver 
> burned/shorted out.
> My biggest issue at night is for some reason just getting pretty warm, not 
> even overheated, just enough to feel warm hands. My arms start feeling like 
> they are frozen. I feel so cold I start uncontrollably shaking. I uncover my 
> arms and it gets better, but just until I get for real cold. I only shake 
> that bad when my arms get warm from blankets, temp normal, or my temp drops 
> to 95.5 or lower.
> I don't think it's Dysreflexia, that usually drops my temp. No other way of 
> getting warm causes this. Once I start shaking that bad I start feeling like 
> I NEED to get up.
> Greg

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