Well, play it again, Dave! Old Hitchcock movies work well, too. I watched The 
Birds and Psycho back-to-back yesterday. I have watched both countless times, 
but they never get old. Another great one is The Quiet Man with John Wayne. He 
plays a boxer who returns to his homeland in Ireland. They do not make such 
movies anymore.
A few years ago I went through a round of heavy depression and panic attacks. 
They always happened at night when I felt like the room was devouring me. It 
was God-awful and terrifying. The doc put me on Paxil which helped considerably 
with my mood. The panic attacks continued, though, until she added a small dose 
of Xanax at bedtime. I took that for about six months and finally leveled out. 
Haven't had an attack since.
This mixture came with some strong warnings, though. I was taking oxy 40, 
Percocet, ditropan, Paxil, and Xanax. That could be a deadly mixture if abused, 
especially the oxy/Xanax combo. I eliminated the Xanax as quickly as possible. 
Good luck and God bless to all my suffering peeps this morning.
Ps. My mother-in-law, an ER nurse always swore by Valium instead of Xanax.
Larry Willis
Retired and proud of it

Begin forwarded message:

> Resent-From: quad-list@eskimo.com
> From: "Dave Krehbiel" <davekrehb...@earthlink.net>
> Date: September 28, 2015 at 7:30:06 AM EDT
> To: <ntpgrn...@aol.com>, "'greg'" <g...@eskimo.com>
> Cc: <quad-list@eskimo.com>
> Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Getting Old, Panic
> Regarding falling asleep: I record movies and I watch the same movie every 
> night when I'm ready to go to sleep. For over a year I have been watching 
> Casablanca every night, and I usually fall asleep in just a few minutes.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ntpgrn...@aol.com [mailto:ntpgrn...@aol.com] 
> Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 8:13 PM
> To: greg
> Cc: <quad-list@eskimo.com>
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Getting Old, Panic
> I hear you
> No paralysis put worry, anxiety and panic for sure.
> Nancy
>> On Sep 27, 2015, at 8:08 PM, greg <g...@eskimo.com> wrote:
>> Getting older, 51… 32 post injury. I'm having more health issues, most 
>> worrisome or at least hardest to deal with are panic attacks. Not classic 
>> panic attacks, mine are more worry attacks. I get stuck in a loop of 
>> obsessive worrying. Mostly money, what's going to happen when old, etc. It 
>> leads to the panic feeling. Like feeling like not getting enough air. 
>> The worst part is going to bed when worrying. I get obsessive worrying, then 
>> the feeling of having to get up. I start feeling like I'm going to panic. 
>> The worry of going to have one can be worse than having one. I start to 
>> worry about going to bed. What if I have one in bed.
>> I tried a few antidepressants, and panic attack meds, from my doc. Made me 
>> feel sick, I had to stop. So I'm going to see someone about it. Someone who 
>> knows more and can adjust them. I just don't know if it can help when they 
>> are lagit worries. No med can take the worries away. I just have to stop the 
>> obsessive part.
>> G.

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