With pressure sores...you have to keep off it. Yes, stay in bed 24/7.   I 
have been there, done that. It took 6 months to clear.  I use a Roho and  am 
pressure sore free now.
Have someone check your bottom often. I used to have to go to the wound  
center every week until it cleared.For 6 months the only time I was off my 
butt  was the day I went to the wound center. Never want to do that again.    
In a message dated 7/30/2016 9:17:58 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
lwillis82...@gmail.com writes:

I have  had a pressure sore on my bottom for over ten years now. It refuses 
to heal. I  got it during a hospital stay for an infection. I got a roho 
shortly  thereafter. It healed other sores but not this one. I thought I would 
give  this one a try.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From:  <_Cviewer62@aol.com_ (mailto:cviewe...@aol.com) >
Date: Saturday,  July 30, 2016
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Cushion question
To: _lwillis82153@gmail.com_ (mailto:lwillis82...@gmail.com) 

Is your current Roho not working? I have used a Roho for more than 30  
years and would be afraid to go to something else and possibly get a pressure  
sore. Rose
In a message dated 7/29/2016 9:42:50 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
_lwillis82153@gmail.com_ (javascript:_e({},'cvml','lwillis82...@gmail.com');)  

Hey guys. I am trying to get a new chair and cushion. My advisor wants  me 
to get a new style cushion by Ride Designs. Any of you familiar with it?  
Take a look at _ridedesigns.com_ (http://ridedesigns.com/)  and tell me  what 
you think. I value your opinion. I currently use a roho. Thanks, Larry  

Larry Willis  
Retired and proud of it

Begin forwarded message:

Resent-From: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ 
From: Bobbie Humphreys  <_bobbiehumphreys7@gmail.com_ 
(javascript:_e({},'cvml','bobbiehumphre...@gmail.com');) >
Date: July 27,  2016 at 2:39:21 PM EDT
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ 
Subject: [QUAD-L]  Pens?

I wanted to ask what kind of pens dose everybody use to write  with?
I'm looking for a retractable pen that I don't need  to apply much or any  

Smile  Everyday


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