Steve Conrad - on 6/5/03, Re: May be off topic... - expostulated:

> I agree 100% and would like to add that its attitudes like the one
> displayed by the list nanny that will continue to drive people away from
> these lists and it will also keep them away until such time as the
> offending attitudes change.

I don't know where you are going with this Steve. But if that was a
complaint, write to me.

If it was meant as a joke, it was still off-topic.

I don't believe I was rude in reminding list members of the need to stay
on-topic, especially since other members had complained.

Please do not attempt to tell me my job.(see below*) Further on-list
comments will result in a 72- time-out.

Policies for Low End Mac Email Lists

The goal of each of our mailing lists is to build up helpful communities.
The following policies have been established for the family of Low End Mac
mailing lists.


* Ban. When a subscriber is banned, the email address is retained on the
server, prohibited from posting to the list, and blocked from receiving
email from the list. We view banning as a last resort, and it is possible
for us to reverse a ban if we have acted in error.
* Block. When a subscriber is blocked, the email address will continue to
receive messages from the list, but the subscriber is prohibited from
posting to the list.
* Flame. Incendiary postings, usually involving name calling.
* Global ban. A permanent ban from all email lists. Global bans have been
very rare.
* List mom. The top level list manager.
* List nanny. An assistant to the list mom.
* Off topic. Anything not covered by the primary focus of the list. In
general, computer, OS, software, and peripherals questions are on topic. So
is discussion of the list and list policies. Religion, politics, automotive
preference, and the price of gas are off topic on our lists.
* Temporary block/ban. A 72-hour cooling off period.
* Troll. To throw out a topic in hopes of beginning a flame war.

Grounds for Action

* Posting the URL for Apple service manuals.
* Blocking email from the list mom or nanny.
* Trolling or flaming. This includes calling list managers thought police
or nazis.
* Continuing a discussion long after is has been closed by the list mom or

Responsibilities of Managers

* The list mom and nannies are responsible for building up the community on
our email lists by reminding members of the rules of the list and taking
whatever action is appropriate and necessary to deal with disruptive
* We will send personal notes to those who don't follow the guidelines
established in the list FAQ, netiquette page, and policies page. (You may
receive such reminders from more than one of us.)
* The list managers generally confer by email, both privately between the
nannies for a specific list and globally on a closed list set up for
management use.
* We recognize that not everyone receives and reads their email
immediately, so we will provide some leeway for dangling threads on closed
* Except for cases that demand immediate action, we will confer before
banning or blocking an email address. In immediate response cases, we will
let others who oversee the list know of our actions.
* In extreme situations, list nannies may step in on a list where they are
not designated as an official nanny.
* We will always notify those who are blocked or banned and explain why and
how long the penalty will be in effect.
* Global banning is reserved for those who consistently troll, flame, go
way off topic, or persist in other actions which are disruptive to the list
community. Such banning is extremely rare. Banning is almost always handled
on an individual list basis.

Responsibilities of Subscribers

* Read the list FAQ, netiquette page, and policies page -- and follow the
rules of the list.
* Understand that you may receive reminders from more than one nanny when
you break the rules.
* Understand that blocking or bouncing emails from the list mom or any
nanny is grounds for banning. We must be able to contact you to do our jobs.
* Take it seriously when a list manager declares a thread closed for
further discussion. We recognize that you won't know it until you read the
posting closing the topic, but once you've read that posting, drop it.
* Bannings may be reversed on appeal. State your case clearly and send it
to the list mom and the nannies for the specific list. Don't call us names;
flaming list managers is one of the leading causes of permanent banning.

To clarify: Further on-list comments will result in a 72-hour time-out.


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 Paul (<pjspop @>)
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