
QubesOS/*/core3-devel branches sometimes have unsigned commits (from
woju) at HEAD. [1] These also get merged into marmarek's remotes [2],
still without signature.

I assume this is because there are other remotes / branches actually
being used instead and tags are not propagating. Or does the automated
signature verification workflow somehow break down in practice? Woju?

Anyway... my real question is what remotes & branches one should track
now if one wishes to follow work on R4.0? (Ideally in a state which
one can build a "working" system from for testing.) Marmarek posted a
builder.conf some months ago [3], but I doubt it is being used to
actually build anything since qubes-builder signature verification
would fail.


[1]: https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-core-admin/commits/core3-devel
[2]: https://github.com/marmarek/qubes-core-admin/commits/core3-devel

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