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On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 02:01:34AM -0400, Jean-Philippe Ouellet wrote:
> Hello,

Hello, Jean-Philippe,

> QubesOS/*/core3-devel branches sometimes have unsigned commits (from
> woju) at HEAD. [1] These also get merged into marmarek's remotes [2],
> still without signature.
> I assume this is because there are other remotes / branches actually
> being used instead and tags are not propagating. Or does the automated
> signature verification workflow somehow break down in practice? Woju?
> Marmarek?

This is because I actually don't have my signing key in the same VM as the
development. Instead I use this [1] to sign my tags. I didn't write an
equivalent for making signed commits. Marek keeps his signing keys in the same
VM as IDE, so he signs his commits using the usual git tools.

Also, marmarek has somehow elaborate script which generally pushes only his
own tags to his repo. This stems from the times when we also had private git,
to which we pushed proprietary code (now we don't have one for common
components). Because he is the only one to push to QubesOS/* repos, those also
receive only marmarek's tags. There is one exception: core-admin/core3-devel,
which receives my tags using automated script.

My tags are to be found in woju/* repos. Those usually work, until one of us
rebases or cherry-picks something, which happens from time to time.

> Anyway... my real question is what remotes & branches one should track
> now if one wishes to follow work on R4.0? (Ideally in a state which
> one can build a "working" system from for testing.) Marmarek posted a
> builder.conf some months ago [3], but I doubt it is being used to
> actually build anything since qubes-builder signature verification
> would fail.

There are five components which have active core3-devel branches:
BRANCH_core_admin = core3-devel
BRANCH_core_admin_linux = core3-devel
BRANCH_core_libvirt = core3-devel
BRANCH_installer_qubes_os = core3-devel
BRANCH_linux_utils = core3-devel

There are some other components which have had core3-devel branches which were
then merged to master branches.

As to which repos: Probably QubesOS, but if there is no core3-devel branch,
marmarek's. I only push if I have something new, so most of my repos
are outdated. I write mostly core-admin/core3-devel, so this is the most
current (and most volatile) branch of this component, but there is also a bot
which pushes the commits to QubesOS, and the pull requests happen there, so
you may skip my repos entirely, or only fetch tags from them.

[1] https://ftp.qubes-os.org/~woju/pub/qubes-rpc/git-stag

- -- 
pozdrawiam / best regards       _.-._
Wojtek Porczyk               .-^'   '^-.
Invisible Things Lab         |'-.-^-.-'|
                             |  |   |  |
 I do not fear computers,    |  '-.-'  |
 I fear lack of them.        '-._ :  ,-'
    -- Isaac Asimov             `^-^-_>
Version: GnuPG v2


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