Hash: SHA256

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 11:07:12AM +0100, Wojtek Porczyk wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 02:01:34AM -0400, Jean-Philippe Ouellet wrote:
> > Hello,
> Hello, Jean-Philippe,
> > QubesOS/*/core3-devel branches sometimes have unsigned commits (from
> > woju) at HEAD. [1] These also get merged into marmarek's remotes [2],
> > still without signature.
> > 
> > I assume this is because there are other remotes / branches actually
> > being used instead and tags are not propagating. Or does the automated
> > signature verification workflow somehow break down in practice? Woju?
> > Marmarek?
> This is because I actually don't have my signing key in the same VM as the
> development. Instead I use this [1] to sign my tags. I didn't write an
> equivalent for making signed commits. Marek keeps his signing keys in the same
> VM as IDE, so he signs his commits using the usual git tools.

Actually, this is not true. I use standard split-gpg and have
gpg.program = qubes-gpg-client in .gitconfig.
This combination didn't work before because of some deadlock, but it was
fixed about 2 years ago :P

> Also, marmarek has somehow elaborate script which generally pushes only his
> own tags to his repo. This stems from the times when we also had private git,
> to which we pushed proprietary code (now we don't have one for common
> components). Because he is the only one to push to QubesOS/* repos, those also
> receive only marmarek's tags. 

This script pushes tag describing current branch, but I don't use it for
some temporary branches (mostly pushed as a backup if my machine fails,
not intended to be used otherwise), which I push without any tags,
assuming that my (signed) commit is at the top. So there may be some
branches *on my github account* without signed tags.

> There is one exception: core-admin/core3-devel,
> which receives my tags using automated script.

And this is the branch that should be used.

> My tags are to be found in woju/* repos. Those usually work, until one of us
> rebases or cherry-picks something, which happens from time to time.
> > Anyway... my real question is what remotes & branches one should track
> > now if one wishes to follow work on R4.0? (Ideally in a state which
> > one can build a "working" system from for testing.) Marmarek posted a
> > builder.conf some months ago [3], but I doubt it is being used to
> > actually build anything since qubes-builder signature verification
> > would fail.
> There are five components which have active core3-devel branches:
> BRANCH_core_admin = core3-devel
> BRANCH_core_admin_linux = core3-devel
> BRANCH_core_libvirt = core3-devel
> BRANCH_installer_qubes_os = core3-devel
> BRANCH_linux_utils = core3-devel
> There are some other components which have had core3-devel branches which were
> then merged to master branches.
> As to which repos: Probably QubesOS, but if there is no core3-devel branch,
> marmarek's. I only push if I have something new, so most of my repos
> are outdated. I write mostly core-admin/core3-devel, so this is the most
> current (and most volatile) branch of this component, but there is also a bot
> which pushes the commits to QubesOS, and the pull requests happen there, so
> you may skip my repos entirely, or only fetch tags from them.
> [1] https://ftp.qubes-os.org/~woju/pub/qubes-rpc/git-stag
>     https://ftp.qubes-os.org/~woju/pub/qubes-rpc/woju.GitSignTag
>     https://ftp.qubes-os.org/~woju/pub/qubes-rpc/stag.png

- -- 
Best Regards,
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
Invisible Things Lab
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
Version: GnuPG v2


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