On Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 8:25:52 AM UTC+1, Elias Mårtenson wrote:
> On Wednesday, 21 February 2018 02:26:16 UTC+8, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki  
> wrote:
> > qvm-copy command takes only filename, the VM name you give in qrexec
> > confirmation prompt.
> After doing a full reboot of the system, and making sure that everything is 
> updated, qvm-copy-to-vm now works, but qvm-copy still gives me the permission 
> error.
> As the Nautilus integration uses qvm-copy (rather than qvm-copy-to-vm) it too 
> fails, in the same way as before.
> A colleague of mine who installed rc3 (and has updated everything from 
> testing since) just did a full update and he's not seeing the same problem.
> Regards,
> Elias

I got mine resolved, I'm not sure exactly how as it doesn't make sense, but the 
new updates that arrived (which seems to have nothing to do with this bug) 
somehow fixed this bug for me. It went like this.

I tested if the bug was still there in these steps:
- Rebooting multiple of times again, nothing helped, it didn't go away.
- Testing if the bug was there right before new update today, it was still 
- Testing if the bug was there right after new update today, it was still there.
- Rebooted after the above update and testing, and now it's "magically" gone.

On another bright side or bonus, Qubes even seem more smooth now. It's like old 
creeky wheels has gotten some oil and it's running more smooth. It can 
definitely be felt, at least on my system. For example one noticeable 
difference is how fast VM's shutdown after use.

Can you reproduce this fix Elias?

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