This is some months old news now from November 2017, and may already be in the 
plans to fix, however, I'm putting this forward as I'm not aware of any 
existing discussions on the matter, this is only an insurance so that we're not 
caught un-prepared for Intel's frustrating lock-in move. I apologize if it's 
already being discussed internally. Nonetheless, that being the case, this post 
can also serve as a heads-up to others in the community to be prepared for a 
new extra hardware issue angle.

Articles like these, seem to point towards that Intel is making a move to 
remove LegacyBIOS completely. This by all appearances appear like it could 
become a major headache for many Qubes users on new hardware in the near-term 
future, considering some Intel devices are already taking this step to be ready 
by 2020 already now. 

Ignoring the otherwise important issue of the locked hardware/software blobs 
for a moment. Not solving this boot issue on time soon, seems like it might 
cause a big problem for many, many existing and new Qubes users getting new 
expensive hardware, if something isn't done to prevent or minimize it.

Hardware compatibility is already an issue, Intel's move here just seems to 
make it worse.

What can be done to solve this? Qubes/Xen would need better UEFI support? If 
answers have been found, is it something that possibly can be shared with us to 
ease the coming worries a bit?

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