On Mon, 27 May 2019 12:45:15 -0700 (PDT)
Ivan Mitev <i...@maa.bz> wrote:

> On Wednesday, 22 May 2019 01:03:44 UTC, qtpie  wrote:
> > Chris Laprise:  
> > > On 12/09/2018 10:38 AM, Chris Laprise wrote:  
> > >> 'Sparsebak'
> > >>
> > >> Fast Time Machine-like disk image backups for Qubes OS and Linux
> > >> LVM. 
> > > 
> > > And of course, a link to the project :) ....
> > > 
> > > https://github.com/tasket/sparsebak
> > > 
> > >   
> > Have people been using Sparsebak? What are your experiences? I
> > havent been able to test it myself yet, And will it be submitted as
> > a package to Qubes?  
> I've been using sparsebak since the announcement - here's my
> experience with it so far:
> Before using sparsebak I used custom rsync scripts for frequent
> incremental backup of the data in my VMs' private volumes. It was
> quick and efficient and despite the many obvious drawbacks of that
> approach it was a thousand times better than using
> qvm-backup/-restore (those programs are so resource hungry that I
> only ran them once or twice a year - the suggestion of leaving my
> laptop on at night with a scheduled unattented backup task is a no go
> for me).
> Sparsebak was a huge improvement over both qvm-backup/-restore and my
> custom script approach. Despite the alpha (beta?) status I haven't
> run into a single problem and Chris has been very diligent in
> replying to some usage questions I had. Since the announcement he has
> improved the tool without breaking anything and he also implemented
> deduplication which definitely saves disk space when backuping cloned
> VMs (interestingly this also works pretty well cloned VMs that have
> been heavily customized/updated compared to the original VM).
> I currently backup 24 volumes (a mix of -root and -private volumes
> from linux and windows VMs) with a total size of ~100GB, and I use my
> laptop without any problem while sparsebak is running in the
> background (incremental backups are fast anyway so even if it used a
> bit more resources it would be for a short time).
> Now, as Chris pointed out the only hassle is that you have to set up
> an encrypted volume to encrypt your backups but it's a pretty easy
> thing to do.
> So, I recommend you give the tool a try, maybe in addition to using
> qvm-backup every now and then until you're confident it's working
> properly for your setup.

HI Ivan,

It seems to be working well for you.  Can I ask if you have tried
restoring VMs?  Is it possible to restore single files, or is it
whole VMs only?  (I haven't tried it myself - still just using
Qubes builtin backup and restore).


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