> Have you changed the devices assigned to sys-usb? If so, it's possible you're 
> running into a pci_strictreset issue here? Try running this in dom0 (but 
> before you do, make sure you understand the risks [1]):
> $ qvm-prefs -s sys-usb pci_strictreset false
> Then try starting sys-usb again:
> $ qvm-start sys-usb
> Let us know if there are any useful error messages.
I ran both and got:
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/bin/qvm-start", line 136, in <module>
   File "/usr/bin/qvm-start", line 120 in main
      xid = vm.start(verbose=options.verbose, 
preparing_dvm=options.preparing_dvm, start_guid=not options.noguid, 
notify_function=tray_notify_generic if options.tray else None)
   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/qubes/modules/005QubesNetVm.py", 
line 122 in start
      xid=super(QubesNetVm, self),start(**kwargs)
   File "/user/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/qubes/moduels/000QubesVm.py", line 
1958, in start nd.detach()
   File "/usr/lib64lpython2.7/site-packages/libvert.py", line 5249, in detach
      in ret == -1: raise libvertError ('verNodeDevicesDetach() failed')
libvert.libvertError: Requested operation is not valid: PCI device 0000:00:10.0 
is in use by driver xenlight, domain sys-net
(Note I typed this, so there may be errors in the transcription)

If I shutdown the sys-net VM then sys-usb boots. Of course this also means that 
sys-net fails to boot with the same error message. Now when I attach a flash 
drive it automatically connects to sys-usb, instead of sys-net. How do I stop 
sys-net from trying to request driver access? As long as sys-usb is active, I 
am not able to boot any other VM. Everything fails silently.

> Did you mean "sys-usb" instead of "sys-net"? (If not, the description you've 
> provided of your overall setup is inconsistent. Please clarify it.) 

I did mean sys-net. When the sys-usb VM is not booted and I have attach a usb 
flash drive, I get a notification in the upper right hand corner saying 
"Attached new device to sys-net /dev/sda". If I exit all VM's and boot the 
sys-usb VM then it attaches to the sys-usb VM.

qvm-block -l gives:
sys-usb:sda Flash_Dis () 7 GiB
sys-usb:sda1 Flash_Disk (CHINA) 7 GiB.

I was mounting wrong... "sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/removable/" works 
(sda1 not sda). However, the folder is empty. I checked on my other laptop and 
the flash drive is neither empty nor broken.

Thanks for your help!

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