When I first installed Qubes (3.2), I could attach and detach block devices 
without errors and mount flash drives in VM's. I wanted to use my external 
keyboard with my laptop so followed the steps in the guide 
(https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/usb/) for "Creating and Using a USB qube" (using 
the management stack) and "How to use a USB keyboard".

However, the generated sys-usb Qube fails to boot and detaching a USB flash 
drive using the VM Manager always give me a blank window with the text 
"Houston, we have a problem..." and freezes the VM Manager. After a few seconds 
of trying to close the blank window I get "This window might be busy and is not 
responding. Do you want to terminate the application?". After I restart the VM 
Manager the USB device is still shows as attached. If I restart the VM with the 
attached USB device it gives me another error "AssertionError: This is most 
likely a bug in the Qubes Manager" and the VM is killed. (Note I did this with 
a DisposableVM). 

The above happens even if I attach and then immediately detach the USB block 

After plugging in the USB flash drive to my laptop, but not attaching it to any 
VM the USB flash drive is visible to sys-net with "fdisk -l", but mounting 
fails with "wrong fs type" even though I mount it with "-t vfat" and fdisk 
shows the USB flash drive is FAT32. If I attache the USB flash drive to any 
other VM "fdisk -l" does not show any attached flash drive.

I am currently in China, so I cannot reach google with the laptop running Qubes 
until I get a socks proxy set up and tor is block in China (any bridges I have 
tried are quickly blocked).

Any help would be helpful. Let me know what logs would be useful to post (I am 
still very new to Qubes).

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