On Saturday, November 26, 2016 at 12:56:12 AM UTC-5, zxe...@gmail.com wrote:
> When I first installed Qubes (3.2), I could attach and detach block devices 
> without errors and mount flash drives in VM's. I wanted to use my external 
> keyboard with my laptop so followed the steps in the guide 
> (https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/usb/) for "Creating and Using a USB qube" 
> (using the management stack) and "How to use a USB keyboard".
> However, the generated sys-usb Qube fails to boot and detaching a USB flash 
> drive using the VM Manager always give me a blank window with the text 
> "Houston, we have a problem..." and freezes the VM Manager. After a few 
> seconds of trying to close the blank window I get "This window might be busy 
> and is not responding. Do you want to terminate the application?". After I 
> restart the VM Manager the USB device is still shows as attached. If I 
> restart the VM with the attached USB device it gives me another error 
> "AssertionError: This is most likely a bug in the Qubes Manager" and the VM 
> is killed. (Note I did this with a DisposableVM). 
> The above happens even if I attach and then immediately detach the USB block 
> device.
> After plugging in the USB flash drive to my laptop, but not attaching it to 
> any VM the USB flash drive is visible to sys-net with "fdisk -l", but 
> mounting fails with "wrong fs type" even though I mount it with "-t vfat" and 
> fdisk shows the USB flash drive is FAT32. If I attache the USB flash drive to 
> any other VM "fdisk -l" does not show any attached flash drive.
> I am currently in China, so I cannot reach google with the laptop running 
> Qubes until I get a socks proxy set up and tor is block in China (any bridges 
> I have tried are quickly blocked).
> Any help would be helpful. Let me know what logs would be useful to post (I 
> am still very new to Qubes).

ya I concur, just try deleting all sys-usb vms and then rerun  qubesctl 
top.enable qvm.sys-usb and just use that for your usb controller(s)

I had run into the same problem before trying to switch the controller to 
another usbvm.   didn't bother to do the strictset.  Although that was back in 
3.1 I thought things were supposed to be easier now.  I think we can add single 
usb devices to diff vms.  I haven't tried this. I hope soon will work for hvms 
as well if not yet.

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