I'm get tired that Qubes Manager till now do NOT have "Start Terminal" at right click menu of each vm, but only "Run command in VM".

I want to patch it to add "Run terminal". I found that need to duplicate "Run command" entry, name it "Run Terminal" and predefined "gnome-terminal" on the input field.

I need to modify action. On the repository I see actions at mainwindow.ui file. But I can not find it on the disk to add new action!

<action name="action_run_terminal">
   <property name="icon">
    <iconset resource="resources.qrc">

Where is mainwindow.ui with actions???

If I will found it I will add new function to process this action by duplicating action_run_command_in_vm_triggered(self) and predefined "gnome-terminal" into it.


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