On Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 9:39 AM, Eva Star <evas...@openmailbox.org> wrote:
> On 04/17/2017 03:11 AM, Unman wrote:
>> I've done some manager hacking myself - some of it now incorporated in
>> release.
>> If you dont want to build a package then you can simply start hacking in
>> /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/qubesmanager.
>> (Back this up first, of course.)
>> Beside the ui elements in ui_mainwindow the slots are in main.py. If
>> you're going to hack these remember to remove the compiled files.
>> I'd recommend using xterm, as it's in all the templates afaik.
> Unfortunately main.py contain only functions.
> UI elements located not at qubesmanager dir. They are compiled? How?
> Need to modify this file :
> https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-manager/blob/master/mainwindow.ui

Yes, they get "compiled" during package build like this [1]. You can
either invoke pyuic4 yourself, or just use qubes-builder to build new
qubes-manager packages and install them in dom0. I personally find the
build pkg & reinstall method easier.


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