On 04/16/2017 05:29 PM, Eva Star wrote:
> I'm get tired that Qubes Manager till now do NOT have "Start Terminal"
> at right click menu of each vm, but only "Run command in VM".
> I want to patch it to add "Run terminal". I found that need to
> duplicate "Run command" entry, name it "Run Terminal" and predefined
> "gnome-terminal" on the input field.
> I need to modify action. On the repository I see actions at
> mainwindow.ui file. But I can not find it on the disk to add new action!
> <action name="action_run_terminal">
>    <property name="icon">
>     <iconset resource="resources.qrc">
>      <normaloff>:/run-command.png</normaloff>:/run-command.png</iconset>
> </property>
> Where is mainwindow.ui with actions???
> If I will found it I will add new function to process this action by
> duplicating action_run_command_in_vm_triggered(self) and predefined
> "gnome-terminal" into it.

I don't know the answer to your question, but the problem with that is
that not every TemplateVM has gnome-terminal installed (for example, the
Fedora or Debian minimal templates). If you wanted to make something
more generic, you'd probably be safer with 'xterm' even though it isn't
as convenient to use. That's what gets called whenever you click on
'Update VM' (except in Whonix, where it's Konsole).

But if you're just doing it for yourself, you can launch whatever you want.

That said, being able to right-click in Qubes Manager and quickly launch
any kind of terminal program would be a super useful feature to have.

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