On 07/19/2017 05:53 AM, qubenix wrote:
On 07/18/2017 02:27 PM, '0brand' via qubes-users wrote:
I've been trying to resolve a problem with both of my Debian-8
vault-appvms.. For some reason my Keepass passwords no longer work.
When I type in the password I get this message:
Unable to open database. Wrong key or database file is corrupt
I have been using the same password for both my Keepass databases for
quite some time now so the problem isn't due to forgetting or
miss-typing my passwords. Normally this would not be much of a problem
except for the fact that restoring from backups is not remedying the
issue. I've restored both my Keepass vault-appvms and my Debian-8
Looking back at the day before this happened there is only one thing
that I did that may have contributed to the problem. I removed my
sys-usb (netvm) and created a sys-usb (appvm). After I created the new
sys-usb I realized that It would not run unless I set pci_strictreset
to false. This was not acceptable to me so I removed the new sys-usb
and created a new one with:
sudo qubesctl top.enable qvm.sys-usb
sudo qubesctl top.enable qvm.sys-usb
The reason I think this may have contributed to the problem is because
the first two times I tried to restore my appVMs things did not go
well. The first time the Gui completely froze and I was unable to
unmount the drive. The second time the backup-restore did not complete
but at least the screen did not freeze up. The third time I used a
backup from a couple days prior and everything went smoothly. It did
not solve the problem though. I still can not unlock my Keepass vaults.
I'm not really sure what to do next. Is it possible that my backups
are somehow being corrupted when I restore them? I'm a little
flustered at this point and I could use some guidance.
Thanks in advance

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If it makes you feel better, I had the thing fail. with the same
messages, and I'd swear, I did nothing at all, after that I stopped
using it ..... as pretty pointless to use something that MUST be
reliable and have it fail so easily, whatever caused it  IMHO  of course
 ; I think mine was in the Vault VM

Which Keepass? On debian:

user@host:~$ apt-cache search keepass
keepass2 - Password manager
keepass2-doc - Password manager - Documentation
keepassx - Cross Platform Password Manager
kpcli - command line interface to KeePassX password manager databases
libfile-keepass-perl - interface to KeePass V1 and V2 database files

I ask because I have been using keepassx for three or four years with
only two databases. I keep multiple copies on different storage devices
and I have had only one copy ever become corrupt, but it was the fault
of the usb device. I use keepassx and kpcli with pleasure.

guess that is a good idea to keep copies in various places
I don't actually know why I would use a usb device with keepass2, so that wasn't it. honestly, it was a trial, in the vault appVM , I was a bit shocked that it failed within a few weeks, was enough, for me to use my other password manager instead ......YMMV of course

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