On 07/21/2017 12:10 AM, 0brand wrote:
And sorry if this sounds absurd, but very frequently the database file will 
become unselected, this happens to everyone in my family all the time and you 
sometimes will repeatedly try the password, to have it fail, not realizing you 
actually have to re-select the database file again.
It does not sound absurd at all. There is a keepassx bug that is causing 
problems if users shutdown their database improperly just like you said. Its 
probably the same one I was reading about. And to be honest with you I would 
take any suggestions at this point no matter how absurd you think it is ; )
When I was first having the problem I removed the keepassx databases and 
restored from backups. Like I said I was having problems restoring them. I just 
realized that the old vault-appvms that I removed keep showing back up in 
/var/lib/qubes/appvms . Maybe this is either the problem or a symptom of the 
Hopefully I will have a solution soon. For what its worth I really appreciate 
everyones response and If you you have any more suggestion I would like to hear 

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [qubes-users] Re: Keepass vault password no worky
Local Time: July 19, 2017 9:58 PM
UTC Time: July 19, 2017 9:58 PM
From: raahe...@gmail.com
To: qubes-users <qubes-users@googlegroups.com>
qube...@riseup.net, yreb...@riseup.net, 0bra...@protonmail.com
On Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 5:43:39 PM UTC-4, 0brand wrote:
Which Keepass? On debian:

I use the same as you Keepassx.

I"m thinking it may have something to do with dom0 backup/restore. I have multiple 512 
Gib usb drives i do backups on. I don"t want to try to restore from one of my other ones 
because I"m afraid they may become corrupted as well.

My next step doing a fresh install on my other hard drive and see if I can restore 
my kepassx databases onto that. If that does not work I guess I"m out of luck.

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-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Re: [qubes-users] Re: Keepass vault password no worky

Local Time: July 19, 2017 3:53 PM

UTC Time: July 19, 2017 3:53 PM

From: qub...@riseup.net

To: qubester <yre...@riseup.net>, qubes-users <qubes...@googlegroups.com>, 


On 07/18/2017 02:27 PM, "0brand" via qubes-users wrote:

I"ve been trying to resolve a problem with both of my Debian-8

vault-appvms.. For some reason my Keepass passwords no longer work.

When I type in the password I get this message:

Unable to open database. Wrong key or database file is corrupt

I have been using the same password for both my Keepass databases for

quite some time now so the problem isn"t due to forgetting or

miss-typing my passwords. Normally this would not be much of a problem

except for the fact that restoring from backups is not remedying the

issue. I"ve restored both my Keepass vault-appvms and my Debian-8


Looking back at the day before this happened there is only one thing

that I did that may have contributed to the problem. I removed my

sys-usb (netvm) and created a sys-usb (appvm). After I created the new

sys-usb I realized that It would not run unless I set pci_strictreset

to false. This was not acceptable to me so I removed the new sys-usb

and created a new one with:

sudo qubesctl top.enable qvm.sys-usb

sudo qubesctl top.enable qvm.sys-usb

The reason I think this may have contributed to the problem is because

the first two times I tried to restore my appVMs things did not go

well. The first time the Gui completely froze and I was unable to

unmount the drive. The second time the backup-restore did not complete

but at least the screen did not freeze up. The third time I used a

backup from a couple days prior and everything went smoothly. It did

not solve the problem though. I still can not unlock my Keepass vaults.

I"m not really sure what to do next. Is it possible that my backups

are somehow being corrupted when I restore them? I"m a little

flustered at this point and I could use some guidance.

Thanks in advance

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If it makes you feel better, I had the thing fail. with the same

messages, and I"d swear, I did nothing at all, after that I stopped

using it ..... as pretty pointless to use something that MUST be

reliable and have it fail so easily, whatever caused it IMHO of course

; I think mine was in the Vault VM

Which Keepass? On debian:

user@host:~$ apt-cache search keepass

keepass2 - Password manager

keepass2-doc - Password manager - Documentation

keepassx - Cross Platform Password Manager

kpcli - command line interface to KeePassX password manager databases

libfile-keepass-perl - interface to KeePass V1 and V2 database files

I ask because I have been using keepassx for three or four years with

only two databases. I keep multiple copies on different storage devices

and I have had only one copy ever become corrupt, but it was the fault

of the usb device. I use keepassx and kpcli with pleasure.



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I"ve never had a database keepassx become corrupt. I use fedora for my vaultvm.
And sorry if this sounds absurd, but very frequently the database file will become 
unselected, this happens to everyone in my family all the time and you sometimes 
will repeatedly try the password, to have it fail, not realizing you actually have 
to re-select the database file again. This happens if you don"t shut down 
keepassx properly.

your are still top-posting :P

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