On Wed, 2017-11-29 at 15:59 +0000, Unman wrote:
> In the Fedora documentation there ARE methods described for getting
> bug
> reports out of the install process, but they require active
> intervention
> from the user (copy to another drive or scp across network). There's
> no
> suggestion that these reports would be automatically submitted.
> I've had a quick look through the code and i dont see any mechanism
> for
> passing on bug reports - but it was a very quick look.

Interesting & very good to know this but that would have surprise me a
lot from a Qubes OS installation. Have you learned if it is specific to
Qubes 4.0 rc3 (perhaps the installation part has been there for a long
time before this release) ?

3-4 questions remains for me.  If you can learn those answer in the
future, I believe this issue would have been truly investigated for me.

With an "active" intervention from the user (or if I had connected to
the internet and submitted my report from my computer to the computer
receiving those reports) 

1.1 : Does my passphrase would have been transmitted ?  YES/NO ?
1.2 encrypted along the way ? YES/NO ?
2.1 : If YES 1.1, where/who does the passphrase would have been
transmitted/ transmitted to
2.2 : Who would have had access to this information ?

I am not looking for an immediate answer. However, I am still curious
about all this.  Such a strange 'Bug Report' to see it like this..
Seems complicated to use those information to comprise the whole system
via dom0 (that's good)  

P-S & It means, I can continue my own little project of giving Qubes
usb stick to people around me so they can access their bank account
online without having to worry about being on their "vulnerable" (or
even worst compromised win10 OS) windows OS.  Futhermore, I feel you
have made a great job at Qubes OS so it would be simple for me to teach
people how to open a disposable-vm for this purpose and this purpose
only (without really having to learn about Dom0 or about this
fascinating architecture if they are not interessed).  Love the Qubes
"color code" BTW.  It will make my life very easy when I'll explain to
people which color they must see on their browser to feel more secure
without having to teach to any grandparents about VM, Xen Hypervisor
and Dom0 interaction lol)  Just using a linux distro would be superior
I think.. but Qubes and a disposable-vm seems perfect to be just to "go
to the bank online" if you are old and know little about computers. The
cost of this is idea is minimal too (really just having a 32gb usb
media lying around).  I do not think those would have been targeted
Qubes user.  Qubes does not even need any modification for this
project.  I will be able to teach to many people in less than <30
minutes I think with one demonstration during the holidays.  Better
safe than sorry and with no money ! Agree ? :-)

Take Care & Thank you 

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