On Monday, February 26, 2018 at 11:42:59 AM UTC+1, Rory Geoghegan wrote:
> Hey there, I know this is a really old post but I'm hoping you still see it  
> Could you show us a copy of the new file with the new baseurl?
> I'm having the exact same problem. 
> Thanks

The different methods you can find on Googles website, over here 

I'm not familiar with the Google repositories. Seemingly it doesn't have any 
official repository for "just Chrome" but instead a full Linux package with all 
other Linux Google apps included within. Maybe you can fetch Chrome that way. 
Otherwise you can get the GUI installer, which will configure the repositories 
automatically as well.

As for your core issue, I suspect you're referring heavily to codecs for 
brwoser choice here? Choices between Chromium/Google-Chrome/Firefox?

Chromium is a difficult choice unless you know how to compile it from scratch 
to include the build-in codecs. Whereas google has already done it with Google 
Chrome for you. 

To my knowledge, both Chromium and Google Chrome rely on build-in codecs, while 
Firefox relies on upstream packages which can be installed from the terminal. 
You can easily make Firefox play anything, except, Firefox is tricky to use 
when you encounter Microsofts Silverlight or other DRM content. Though Firefox 
will chew Netflix just fine, in my experience there is no issues here. Firefox 
is mostly an issue if you run into Silverlight (or in other words websites that 
uses garbage, *cough*).

Google Chrome can play everything Firefox can play, and then also Silverlight 
content. But you sacrifice privacy, the code isn't open despite it being based 
on Chromium. Google could have altered the release version closed code in 
whatever way they desire, even if its based on open code.

Essentially what I do is I play everything in Firefox, and then I use Google 
Chrome for whenever I encounter Silverlight, and sometimes if having DRM issues 
although it's mostly only Silverlight being an issue.

I recommend using Fedora, even though Debian works better out of the box, 
Fedora is quickly fixed with working codecs. Here's how.

1) Clone the default fedora-26 template, so you don't introduce new packages, 
and in particular other repositories and non-free packages, into your mission 
critical clean fedora-26 template. I.e. run in dom0: qvm-clone fedora-26 

2) Enable RPMFusion in your new cloned fedora template. Run in fedora terminal.
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled rpmfusion-free rpmfusion-nonfree
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh

3) Now you can install HTML5 (Which DRM can be run on too) and VLC/other codecs 
sudo dnf install FFmpeg      <--- that's your HTML5 codec.
sudo dnf install vlc

4) Now you can run HTML5 and HTML5 DRM protected content) directly in Firefox. 
To verify if it works, visit www.youtube.com/html5 which will tell you if it 
works or not.

Then you can put Google Chrome in same or different template, depending on how 
critical you feel about the untrusted Google code.

You may not feel the need to use Firefox, in which case a lot of what I said is 
pointless anyway, since Google Chrome can chew most things. Just be aware that 
Chromium isn't "easy" to get to work for the parts it can't chew, although it 
does support more formats out of the box, it does not easily support all 
formats that Google Chrome does out of the box, and it doeens't support the 
same as you can easily archive on Firefox with a few commands.

Essentially all 3 choices has downsides in either privacy or 
codecs/protected-content availability, none of them is perfect. Personally I 
just ditch Chromium altogether, and use Firefox for most things, and if I 
encounter a video I can't pkay, then I just quickly open Google Chrome for the 
few rare occasions I need to do that, i.e. when I encounter some useless 
website using MS Silverlight.

I'm not a professional, I'm a learner. Since I'm a bit in a hurry I wrote a bit 
straight forward/quickly/tired, my bad if I wrote any errors. Though the fedora 
approach has never failed me, except when encountering protected content, 
although DRM protected content works "okay" fine in the recent year or so, for 
the most part, i.e. Netflix never seem to fail.

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