On Saturday, December 15, 2018 at 6:24:49 PM UTC-8, unman wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 15, 2018 at 06:18:43PM -0800, John Smiley wrote:
> > On Saturday, December 15, 2018 at 4:59:59 PM UTC-8, unman wrote:
> > > On Sat, Dec 15, 2018 at 03:42:29PM -0800, John Smiley wrote:
> > > > On Saturday, December 15, 2018 at 3:19:16 PM UTC-8, John Smiley wrote:
> > > > > On Saturday, December 15, 2018 at 3:02:13 PM UTC-8, 
> > > > > 22...@tutamail.com wrote:
> > > > > > Some typos corrected and clarification added:
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > John,
> > > > > > I'll take a shot at helping but would defer to Unman who has helped 
> > > > > > me out a lot, both directly and indirectly on this forum.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Some notes:
> > > > > > Been using 3.2 and 4.0 only...haven't tried 4.0.1
> > > > > > Not an expert but have having been using Qubes as my primary for 
> > > > > > over a year.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > I loaded 4.0, however during the setup I did not add the default 
> > > > > > whonix template(v13 I think) to my system as the default whonix 
> > > > > > needs to be removed in order to upgrade to whonix-14. This option 
> > > > > > is chosen when loading Qubes for the first time.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > I immediately update Dom0 using a VPN connection thru my network
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > After installing Qubes 4.0, I immediately install the whonix-14 
> > > > > > template following these instructions: 
> > > > > > https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Qubes/Install
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > All updates going forward are done thru sys-whonix-14-GW.........
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > When you say upgrading Firefox are you just updating Firefox or the 
> > > > > > whole template...I don't just upgrade Firefox, I update the whole 
> > > > > > template i.e. I update the Debian template and the Fedora template 
> > > > > > and this updates Firefox in the template and the appvm's associated 
> > > > > > with the templates. Make sure you are aware of the template/appvm 
> > > > > > relationship...you don't update the appvm(e.g. sys-whonix), you 
> > > > > > update the template(whonix-gw) which is the source for the 
> > > > > > appvm(sys-whonix).
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Other best practices I follow:
> > > > > > *Fresh templates seems to be the advice(vs upgrading)
> > > > > > *Whonix-gw template is a key template to update as all my updates 
> > > > > > are done thru this template/appvms
> > > > > > * Get a VPN appvm setup as a priority
> > > > > > * Clone your templates and experiment on the clones, this way you 
> > > > > > can resort back to your clean template WHEN you F%$# it up (Not 
> > > > > > IF...you will at some point mess one up)
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Good luck, hope this helps...
> > > > > 
> > > > > Thank you @tutamail.  This is more like what I was looking for.  I've 
> > > > > tried most of what you recommend, but not everything.  I'll 
> > > > > re-install 4.0 and give your suggestions a try.
> > > > > 
> > > > > I appreciate the other replies as well.  Sorry if I wasn't clear.  I 
> > > > > only tried 4.0.1-rc1 out of desperation. What I want is the latest 
> > > > > production 4.0 platform.  Most operating systems have a simple 
> > > > > process by which you are informed of packages that are out of date 
> > > > > and are offered an opportunity to upgrade them to the most recent 
> > > > > version supported by the distributor.  It would be great if Qubes had 
> > > > > something like that.  Perhaps someday it will. In the meantime, there 
> > > > > ought to be a document that clearly explains how to go from a fresh 
> > > > > install to the most recent Qubes-supported version of every package 
> > > > > installed in each template and dom0.  It would be even nicer if there 
> > > > > were a nightly/weekly build of the same packages used in a fresh 
> > > > > install, but all updated to the latest supported version so that we 
> > > > > could simply download and install that and know that we have all of 
> > > > > the most recent patches and upgrades.
> > > > 
> > > > I can hear some of you now saying that if I want these things then get 
> > > > up off my lazy ass and build them.  If I weren't fully (some would say 
> > > > overyly) employed with nothing but free time on my hands, I still 
> > > > wouldn't do that because I have other interests.  I'm the consumer 
> > > > here.  Some of you seem to forget that.  This is feeback coming from a 
> > > > customer.  Treat it as such.
> > > > 
> > > > I'm also not a Linux newbie. I'm not stumbling around trying to figure 
> > > > out where the power button is.  I've used, installed, and upgraded 
> > > > various forms of Linux for years.  My point is I know a lot more than 
> > > > most about Linux and virtualization and I'm having lots of issues with 
> > > > Qubes. I fully expect to spend many hours learning how Qubes works and 
> > > > how I can make the best use of it.  I should not have to spend many 
> > > > hours simply getting it installed and updated.  I don't think it's too 
> > > > big of an ask to have this spelled out well enough that someone 
> > > > experienced with Linux, but fresh to Qubes, can follow it and have be 
> > > > confident that the many security and other fixes described so well in 
> > > > your announcements are fixed/patched.  Perhaps the problems I'm 
> > > > experiencing are unusual.  I've been told that my hardware isn't all 
> > > > that peculiar for Qubes, so this should be a cake walk.
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > John, most of us have little free time and other interests.We're all
> > > participant/consumers, although I dont believe any of us are customers - 
> > > you're not.
> > > But your feedback is valued. 
> > > It would be *more* helpful if you gave some details about what issues you
> > > have experienced, what you have tried, and what problems you still have.
> > > When you reinstall 4.0 , if you hit problems just drop a line to this
> > > list: there are many people who will try to help.
> > 
> > Your quick responses are greatly appreciated.  I just re-installed 4.0 and 
> > will make detailed notes of any issues I can't work through on my own.
> > 
> > Customer or not?  Well it's a free OS (not sure how you guys stay in 
> > business), so do we become customers by installing and using it?  Does 
> > Facebook consider their users customers?  More generally, if you don't pay 
> > for something, does that disqualify you from being considered a customer?  
> > I'm not sure it matters in this case.  You are trying to help in spite of 
> > my snarkiness (which I will try to tone down) and that's what matters.
> > 
> Fellow user covers it, I think.

I just donated $100 (+$14 to cover the cost of using a card) to Qubes to 
assuage my guilty conscience over giving you guys a hard time.

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