Hello, I apologize in advance if this has already been addressed but searching 
for "sys-net" & "libxl" give many confusing results, I don't see any that match 
both not working, and I'm completely new to Qubes.
My problem is that after 2 different installs of the same version, 4.01, I keep 
getting the same problems: When I get into Qubes I cannot update dom0, and 
sys-net & sys-firewall both fail to start even though my NIC is correctly 
listed in devices for -net.

Basic info:
Dell Optiplex 780, bios= A15 as recommended in HCL.
Qubes 4.01, sigs checked good.
Install 1 done by USB, created in windows, had same issues as described below.
Re-installed by DVD thinking I'd muffed something (think I read on reddit that 
USB installs made from windows had issues) and the behavior is exactly the same.

Behavior observed:
(anything in [xxx] is me telling you the variation, as I get this for 2 VM's, 2 
error codes, etc.)
* Dom0 starts and runs, but -net & -firewall will not.
* When I attempt to manually start either, I get this error message:
"ERROR: Start failed: internal error: libxenlight failed to create new domain 
'sys-net' [or sys-firewall], see /var/log/libvirt/libxl/libxl-driver.log for 

When I less the log, I get these errors dozens of time with timestamps ranging 
from date of install to today: 
1: "[date:time]: libxl: libxl_create.c:610:libxl_domain_make:domain creation 
fail: Operation not supported"
2: "[date:time]: libxl: libxl_create.c:982:initiate_domain_create:cannot make 
domain: -3"
Those errors and nothing else.

I've tried to update dom0 by command as found in docs, as well as through GUI 
without success. I found a page elsewhere that described temporarily putting 
NIC in firewall or another VM to see if it worked, but I must be doing it wrong 
as I always get loopback errors when trying to save.
It always tells me failed, regardless. No wonder if network isn't working.

Under sys-net, I see the correct name and model of my NIC, but I can't seem to 
figure out how to see if the NIC is operational since sys-net isn't working 
(new to qubes sorry!), however I verified my router is not showing an IP 
assigned, though link LED is on.

If anyone can help me try to figure this out, I'd really appreciate it. I'm 
still a bit green on linux but I learn fast, I recently gave up on Windows (I 
hate 10 so much I could scream) so I'm trying to dive in with qubes (deep end 
of the pool I think) as it best suits my needs with the VM implementation.

I'd post the log itself, but I can't seem to figure out how to make USB copy 
work yet since I've been beating my head on the networking issue.

Thanks, and sorry in advance if this duplicated another thread.

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