
I'm still struggling with the suspend issue, unfortunately, and I'm kinda 
stuck so I'd appreciate some ideas what to try.

Everything else seems to be working, but during suspend the laptop gets 
stuck (black screen, but I can hear the fans still spinning). And then it 
does not wake up, of couse.

I've tried installing new kernel, as described on 
https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/software-update-dom0/ and I've even switched 
to qubes-dom0-current-testing, but neither of that helped :-(

I'm now on kernel 5.2.16, which is newer than what the Fedora/Ubuntu 
installs used (and suspend works fine with them), so there has to be 
something else, specific to qubes. But I have no idea what, and I'm not 
sure how to debug suspend.

Any ideas?

(I've been trying to build Qubes 4.1 as described on 
https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/qubes-iso-building/, but I keep running into 
various issues with that too, so I haven't been able to actually test it.)


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