On Friday, June 12, 2020 at 10:10:25 PM UTC+2, Steve Coleman wrote:
> That being said, it is extremely difficult to reflash your BIOS when 
> running a general OS in the normal user context, and even more difficult 
> when running a virtualized system such as Qubes. So, if you can prevent the 
> machine from booting from any external devices then you have just raised 
> the bar for that adversary. 

Wait what about internal devices ? Like disk. I can't disable NVME in BIOS 
unfortunately. Couldn't bios be reflashed from disk, before bootup ? So you 
say even Qubes doesn't protect against firmware viruses, if they are 
already there. As i am running main Windows and wanted to use Qubes from 
rom cd in external mechanic. So if i had already firmware virus, even 
that's very unlikely. Qubes wouldn't protect me in such scenario. Correct ?

Than probably best idea would be to use my old computer, disconnect disks 
and use one of the Linuxes people above suggested just for online banking. 
And use dedicated mouse and keyboard for that and external cd rom.

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