On 5/13/21 2:36 PM, 'taran1s' via qubes-users wrote:
I am using Qubes as my main OS and now it seems that due to my work assignment, I will need to use MS Office 365 and I would like to keep using my Qubes laptop.

IMHO running Office 365 from Qubes OS makes very little sense (as you publish all your data to Microsoft basically). It's abit like runniing TOR browser and then fill in some form with all your personal data.

I will need to use the MS Office 365 ideally with/without the following features:

- no need to have internet connection

Is that possible for a longer time?

- no need to have win apps other than the MS Office 365 are needed now

Will Office work without OneDrive?

- need to copy and paste text in between win-AppVMs and non-win-AppVMs

Does that work (e.g. copying text in a non-X11 application to paste it into some X11 application)?

- need to file sharing between win-AppVMs and non-win-AppVMs (copy and move) - need to ideally be able to open the MS Office 365 files in various separate AppVMs, but it is not a killer and I can live without it if it complicates the situation too much.

My question is, if there is some workaround other than necessity to install whole Windows OS in my Qubes.

Office 365 _without_ MS-Windows? Are you kidding? Maybe Microsoft provides it for other platforms, but _why_ would one use the Microsoft product? (I'm using OpenOffice/LibreOffice for years, and it's OK for me)

If the Windows OS installation is a necessity in this case, would you consider the WIN7 or WIN10 as better, less troublesome option? Could you point me to a how to guide? There is this guide

The question is: Does Office/365 support Windows 7? I doubt that.

https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/windows/. Is there any other one you would propose for this case?

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