
You say "until recently"; NTP has been intimate with Unix since the 
early 1980s. Is this recent?

Second and more importantly, if the address is not used to bind a 
request to a reply, what else can replace it?

Why do you have 300 sockets bound to an interface with a stateless 
protocol? This appears to be a fundamental violation of the stateless 


Brian Utterback wrote:

> Perhaps proper, but ill-advised. Look at the trouble we have
> had trying to satisfy that requirement. I am sitting at a
> system that currently has over 300 UDP ports in use. Exactly
> one of those UDP ports is bound on each interface, namely 123.
> Interestingly, it is also bound twice on the wildcard address
> as well.
> Until recently, it wasn't possible in a portable manner, for
> a process to listen on a UDP port, receive a request and
> then issue a reply with the reply's source address guaranteed
> to be the same as the request's destination address. And
> virtually all UDP protocols had a way to deal with it, except
> NTP.
> Danny Mayer wrote:
>>UDP is stateless. There is absolutely no way that the UDP protocol
>>developers could require that that a reply go back to the same address
>>from which the packet was sent or that it be sent from the same IP
>>address. No reply is ever required of a datagram. It would be a protocol
>>layering violation to do so. The NTP protocol requirement is proper in
>>this context.
>>Brian Utterback wrote:
>>>I beg to differ. Most UDP based protocols do not have this requirement.
>>>If they did, it would not be the case that in the (mumble mumble) years
>>>since the invention of the UDP protocol and the sockets interface,
>>>that the interface even provided the ability for the application to
>>>to do this within the interface within the last few years.
>>>The UDP protocol itself has no such requirement. Although the
>>>Hosts requirements RFC says that a host SHOULD provide a mechanism
>>>to do it, until IPv6 came along, few systems actually did. The
>>>only way to guarantee it was using the awful "bind every interface"
>>>trick that the reference implementation uses.
>>>The "RPC protocol" itself (RFC 1050) does not have this requirement.
>>>I do not know why the original designers of UDP did not include this
>>>requirement. I suspect they did not foresee the security requirements
>>>we have today. Or perhaps they had a good reason. But in any case the
>>>NTPv3 spec does not have the requirement in it. If I recall correctly,
>>>the NTPv4 spec does have the requirement, but I also recall commenting
>>>on this ages ago, comments that were ignored.
>>>I don't disagree that UDP should have the requirement, but it does not,
>>>and as such I do object to gratuitously adding the requirement to NTP,
>>>which has complicated the code base to no end.
>>>Of course, as I said above, it is now possible to implement this cleanly
>>>on many OS's, which would allow us to simplify the code immensely. But
>>>until such support is universal, that won't happen.
>>>David L. Mills wrote:
>>>>In both the NTPv4 specification and reference implementation the 
>>>>destination address used by the client when mobilizeing the association 
>>>>and sending the request must match the source address when receiving the 
>>>>response. This is a property of all RPC protocols known to me that use 
>>>>addresses to match requests with responses. This is so obvious a 
>>>>requirement that maybe the specification doesn't make it clear enough.
>>>>Brian Utterback wrote:
>>>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>>>Are there any clear requirements in NTP/SNTP RFC docs about the UDP
>>>>>>source address in
>>>>>>all responses the same as the UDP target address in the original
>>>>>>I doubt it would be a UDP requirement because this is domain of upper
>>>>>Yes and no. The basic protocol does not require it. The reference
>>>>>implementation does require it. The Autokey crypto authentication
>>>>>scheme currently requires it, but there has been some discussion
>>>>>recently about the nature of that requirement and whether it could
>>>>>be relaxed, but I don't see that discussion going anywhere in this
>>>>>Brian Utterback
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