Unruh wrote:
> "David J Taylor"
>> In view of the popularity of the GPS18-LVC it's a pity that the
>> driver support for the leap second isn't better, but I appreciate
>> that being able to test once every few years doesn't make things any
>> easier!
> As far as I can see, the GPS18-LVC unit does NOT warn of leapseconds.
> There is absolutely nothing the driver can do if the information is
> not supplied by
> the GPS unit.

Yes, that was poorly worded - I meant "shouldn't NTP note the leap-second 
flags from the other Internet upstream servers, and base its whole second 
values on those sources during a leap-second update, using just the PPS 
part of the GPS signal?"  The would appear to apply to any GPS source 
which is PPS + NMEA....


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