(Antonio M. Moreiras) writes:

>So, if I understand, I have to:

>1 - download
>2 - rename the file to ntp.leapseconds and put it in /etc
>3 - stop and start ntpd
>4 - verify the warning bits

And it sounds like you should also make sure that you are running the
development version of ntp.

Alternatively, make sure that you have a majority of your servers as ntp
sources which have the leapseconds bit set.

>It should be done at primary servers and the others would get
>automatically the file if using autokey.

>It could be done also at any stratum if one don't trust the references
>regarding this issue.

>Don't having the file, and if not using autokey and references with the
>information, the client will relay at information from the majority of
>survivor references. If they warn the leapsecond, the client will get it

>Is this correct?

All I can say is that om my machine which has one PPP source (no leapsecond
warning) and two external servers (one stratum 1 and the other
stratum 2, my machine has the leapsecond warning bit set.  

>David L. Mills escreveu:
>> Guys,
>> See for what 
>> actually is in the implementation. (...)
>> As mentioned in the documentation, it is not necessary to run Autokey to 
>> download the leapseconds file from NIST. It is availabe via FTP from the 
>> pub directory and leap-seconds file.
>> Dave

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