
I'm confused about your explanation, especially the "default configuration". The definitive explanation of synchronization distance, in particular your reference more precisely to root distance, is on the page "How NTP Works" in the online documentation at ntp.org.


David Woolley wrote:

Atul Gupta wrote:

Can anyone explain me what is synchronization distance in case of ntp?
and what is distance exceeded problem?

It's an estimate of the maximum difference between the time on the stratum zero source and the time measured by the client, consisting of components for round trip time, system precision and clock drift since the last actual read of the stratum source.

It most commonly happens because people try to use default configurations of w32time as their source. The default configuration has exceptionally long poll times, and doesn't adjust its stratum to indicate that it hasn't had an update in days. (The default configuration is also far from full NTP compliance.)

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