"David Woolley" <da...@ex.djwhome.demon.invalid> wrote in message news:ide3nn$6j...@news.eternal-september.org...
To a large extent I would agree with you, but the net effect of this is to say "if you work for a marketing led company (probably true of most of the Fortune 500), do not use NTP as it is almost certain that your IT department has a strict Microsoft policy for their core systems, and are not time synchronisation experts".

When I worked in industry this was absolutely not the case. We used a mixture of Microsoft and UNIX systems, according to the particular need of the application. Many of the electronics designers used UNIX systems for CAD, although the mechanical design was largely VMS-based. PCs performed many office tasks, and were moving into the design areas both in their own right and as X-terminals to other systems. Major servers, such as those providing Internet and Intranet facilities tended to be UNIX-based and ran NTP. The PC-server systems all ran "official" NTP as well - i.e. not Microsoft.

I would be surprised if Fortune 500 companies restricted themselves only to Microsoft for their core systems.

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