On Wed, 07 Dec 2011 07:30:12 +0000, Harlan Stenn wrote:

> I'm saying I'm not aware of good reasons to set the clock before
> starting ntpd at system startup.
> With a good drift file and a proper ntp.conf file, ntpd will have the
> clock fully sync'd in about 11 seconds' time.

Of 18 computers here currently running ntpd, 11 do not have stable
frequency offset across a reboot (i.e. a drift file is not useful at
system startup for those machines).  The remaining 7 machines do have 
stable frequency offset across a reboot except in the case of a kernel 
update, which does sometimes cause a change in frequency offset even in 
those machines.  Four of the machines are not normally on-line; they are 
running as a testbed for a distribution update which is being rolled out, 
and one of those four is one of the ones with a stable frequency offset 
(so the normal numbers are 14 computers running ntpd, 8 of which do not
have a stable frequency offset across a reboot).  Motherboard/BIOS
design seems to have the biggest impact on frequency offset stability
across a reboot (four of the seven machines with stable frequency
offsets are of a single motherboard design).  Ntpd version is a
modified 4.2.6p4.

I do run sntp to set the clock before starting ntpd (so I don't need
ntpdate).  Setting the clock this way at least gets the time offset
in the ballpark before ntpd starts.

Also, I have not seen machines "fully sync'd" in anywhere near as
quickly as 11 seconds, but my interpretation of "fully sync'd" may
differ from yours; I consider a machine "fully sync'd" only
when time offset, frequency offset, and jitter (as reported in
loopstats) have all stabilized, which may take a few hours. 

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