Hello Everyone,

I am working with a comparative dataset using bat morphometrics. As part of
my analysis, I want to estimate the phylogenetic signal of my variables. I
understand how to do this using R. My question is more specifically about
what kind of data I should be using when calculating the estimates.

For the purposes of my other analyses (linear regressions), I have
log-transformed my data to meet assumptions for normality. When estimating
phylogenetic signal, should I use my non-transformed, raw variables or the
transformed variables? I get slightly different outputs if I run both on
the same measure. My intuition is that using the raw values is more
interpretable, but figured I would ask some people with more experience.

Thank you for your time.


Alyson Brokaw
M.S. Candidate: Biology, Humboldt State University
Cornell University '11, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

LinkedIn Profile <http://www.linkedin.com/pub/alyson-brokaw/3a/704/820>
Follow my research journey here! <http://afbrokaw.wordpress.com/>

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