
Meanwhile, I reduced the problematic code to a maneageable fragment.

The following code typechecks and runs fine:

#lang typed/racket

(define-type (Base-Shape R)
  (U (foo-shape R)
     (bar-shape R)))

(define-syntax (def-base-shape stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ (R (func-name shape-name) [param-name : param-type] ...))
     (syntax/loc stx
         (struct (R) shape-name ([param-name : param-type] ...))
         (define #:forall (R) (func-name [param-name : param-type] ...)
           (shape-name param-name ...))))]))

(def-base-shape (R (foo-func foo-shape) [s : (Base-Shape R)]))
(def-base-shape (R (bar-func bar-shape) [s : R]))

(provide foo)
(define (foo [shapes : (Base-Shape String)])
  (foo-func shapes))

;(provide bar)
(define (bar [shapes : (Base-Shape String)])
  (bar-func shapes))

However, if you uncomment the last provide, it generates an error:

free-id-table-ref: no mapping for #<syntax n*11>

Is there a workaround?


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