Hi all,

Thanks to all replies, at the moment I would tend to agree that generalised
`set!` might not be such a great idea after all:

   - The notion of 'place' is essentially a pointer to a memory location,
   but it is not the first-class citizen: the following expressions are not
   equivalent: (let ((x (aref v 5))) (set! x 100)) and (set! (aref v 5) 100),
   and it might be the place for confusion.
   - The syntax part of it, `(set! (what-ever ...) new-value)`, however, I
   don't mind: `set!` is a special form/macro after all, not a procedure. No
   one would demand the procedural clarity from `let` or `define`. The
   question is rather if it worth having yet another special form.

Summarising the points above, what if instead of `set!` there is a more
general abstraction 'location': it can hold the value, the value might be
re-set, but on its own it is just a memory location. Basically, it's
Racket's `box`. But the interesting twists would be getting the locations
from mutable objects (like vectors and arrays). Something like this:

(define v (vector 0 1 2 3 4 5))

(vector-ref v 2) ;; -> 2 this gets you the value
;; Hypothetical procedure vector-loc
(vector-loc v 2) ;; -> "(boxed 2)"
(location-set! (vector-loc v 2) 200)
v ;; -> (0 1 200 3 4 5)
(let ((x (vector-loc v 3)))
   (location-set! x 300))
v ;; -> (0 1 200 300 4 5)

A quick implementation for vectors might look as follows:

#lang racket
(require racket/generic)

(define-generics location
  (location-ref location)
  (location-set! location new-value))

(struct vecloc (v ind)
  #:methods gen:location
  ((define (location-ref location) (vector-ref (vecloc-v location)
                                               (vecloc-ind location)))
   (define (location-set! location new-value)
     (vector-set! (vecloc-v location) (vecloc-ind location) new-value))))

(define (vector-loc v ind)
  (vecloc v ind))

(define v (vector 0 1 2 3 4 5))

(location-set! (vector-loc v 2) 200)

(let ((x (vector-loc v 3)))
  (location-set! x 300))

Wouldn't it resolve all the mentioned concerns? Now we can have named
locations and we don't introduce any new syntax. What I don't know is how
efficient this implementation is.

Best regards,

On 1 July 2015 at 03:29, Matthias Felleisen <matth...@ccs.neu.edu> wrote:

> On Jun 30, 2015, at 6:43 PM, George Neuner wrote:
> > On 6/30/2015 5:34 PM, 'John Clements' via Racket Users wrote:
> >> > On Jun 30, 2015, at 8:10 AM, Alexey Cherkaev <
> alexey.cherk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > ... wouldn't it be beneficial to have such a generalised 'set!'
> system-wide? I understand that Racket focusses more on immutable
> structures, but there are still vectors and hash-tables which are
> inherently mutable and still have their niche.
> >>
> >> This style of set! seems like a bad idea to me.
> >>
> >> Specifically, one of the basic ideas of algebraic languages is that
> programs are compositional. Specifically, if I write (a (b x) c), then the
> meaning of this term depends on the meanings of a, (b x), and c. That is, I
> can combine these three values to get the result. Generalized set! breaks
> this intuition. Specifically, (set! (aref x 0 1) 13) does not depend on the
> value of (aref x 0 1). Rather, it pulls apart this term and uses its
> subterm’s meanings. Put differently, this is lvalues.
> >>
> >> I know, I know, I sound like a pure-functional snooty-poo.
> >
> > Don't confuse source syntax with what goes on under the hood - compilers
> for imperative languages often go to great lengths to transform programs
> into more "functional" forms.  Search for "value numbering" and "static
> single assignment" for more information. [Those aren't the only
> functionalizing transformations, but they are the most commonly used.]
> >
> > Moreover, assignment per se is not incompatible with composition -
> that's just semantics.  On real hardware, assignment is all you have:
> "binding" is implemented as assignment to a (possibly) new location.  Tail
> recursion is an important case of invisibly "binding" new values to the
> same locations (i.e. assigning to the control variables of an imperative
> loop).
> John knows these things. His advisor co-invented SSA and preached the
> imperative-compilers-are-functional while he was in grad school. I know, I
> was there and watched, and I know the guy. I am sure it all sank in.
> What you fail to see is that "it's just semantics" is a way of saying "why
> bother programming in languages such as Racket or ML or Coq. It's all
> assignment statements on the machine anyway." As we know from many years of
> experience of course is that this statement makes no sense to a good
> programmer. There are huge differences. And what John is getting at is that
> the language (as is) carries its meaning and its pragmatics on its sleeves.
> The very moment you introduce the kind of generalized assignment statement
> you lose this kind of clarity that comes with the language.
> So let's all be happy now and program in ASM. It's assignments anyway and
> LHS values are lovely for the heart-ware purist  :-)
> -- Matthias
> --
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