On Jul 1, 2015, at 4:27 AM, Alexey Cherkaev <alexey.cherk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Thanks to all replies, at the moment I would tend to agree that generalised 
> `set!` might not be such a great idea after all:
> The notion of 'place' is essentially a pointer to a memory location, but it 
> is not the first-class citizen: the following expressions are not equivalent: 
> (let ((x (aref v 5))) (set! x 100)) and (set! (aref v 5) 100), and it might 
> be the place for confusion.
> The syntax part of it, `(set! (what-ever ...) new-value)`, however, I don't 
> mind: `set!` is a special form/macro after all, not a procedure. No one would 
> demand the procedural clarity from `let` or `define`. The question is rather 
> if it worth having yet another special form.
The syntax part of it is what srfi/17 does, and anyone who requires srfi/17 
hopefully understands that it’s another special form, and that the (what-ever 
…) is not actually an expression, and hopes that people reading the code will 
also understand that. Because of the first point, it’s best that it’s in a 
separate library like srfi/17, not available by default, because that avoids 
confusion unless you require srfi/17 on purpose. 

> Summarising the points above, what if instead of `set!` there is a more 
> general abstraction 'location’:

Side note: Such a `location` abstraction doesn’t have to be all about 

There is a purely functional version of this concept in Jack Firth's `lenses` 
package, which says that
lenses are functions that take a data structure and returns two values;
 the first being the “view,” or the value at that location,
 and the second being the “context” of that value, represented as a function 
that acts as a functional “setter,”
and these lenses are functional and compose-able.


Also, because lenses return two values, they don't have to allocate a new 
structure every time, which (I think) means slightly better performance.

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