Am 2016-03-05 20:26, schrieb Randolph M. Fritz:
Pronoun troubles: who is doing what to which where?

So is this correct:

        * I first use the "fork" button to create my own copy of the
repository on GitHub
        * Then I use "git clone" on my own system, referencing my fork. This
downloads the repository to my system
        * Commit my changes on my system.
        * Use "push" on my system to upload my changes to my fork of the
project on GitHub
        * Then use GitHub's "New Pull Request" button on your repository to
submit a pull request to you, who will (if you like my changes)
incorporate my changes in your repository.

Git documents (and perhaps this is true of most free open source
documentation) seem to be written by people who know git for people
who know git. This makes the lives of people who don't know git

Correct on all points.
Actually, I'm not absolutely certain on which project you'll have to press
"New Pull Request", but that will be easy to find out.

I've probably been guilty of your #6 myself...


Georg Mischler  --  simulations developer  --  schorsch at schorsch com  --  lighting design tools  --

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