On 9/1/06, John W. Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nicholas Mulder [Mulder Consulting] wrote:
> > For fun I installed Mephisto yesterday.  Wow is it cool for a blogging
> > app.  (http://mephistoblog.com/)
> >
> > Mephisto's Asset management systems is as they claim it is, 'probably
> > the best you'll find in any CMS/Bloggin application'.   All I can say is
> > wow, they have Buckets!
> Once we have a robust plugin system going I would love to see someone
> create an asset management solution similar to Mephisto's. I'm not sure
> if buckets trump the idea for attachments, but it is definitely causing
> me to rethink my previous ideas about assets.
> > Looking at both Radiant and Mephisto I can see two very similar apps
> > heading in two different directions.  Just wondering if for some of the
> > 'lower level' stuff like comments, asset management, etc. is it worth
> > 'sharing'?  I would just hate to see a competition to see who's is
> > better when working together could potentially make both better.
> That would probably be up the the plugin authors (and the Mephisto
> people). But I do think it would be great if code could be shared.


The Mephisto style for assets sounds good, but plain or direct use of
their code could be difficult.

They store the assets on the file system, on contrary that your desire
to leverage only on DB to distribute everything for Radiant.

Maybe the way they choose to use it could change your mind.

Luis Lavena
Multimedia systems
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which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that
is worthwhile.
Vince Lombardi
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