"John W. Long" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> The Radiant admin will probably always require Javascript.

So I will probably never be able to use radiant :-(

Requiring JS breaks overall radiant accessibility.  Isn't JS mostly
used to shrink the content tree ?  This would be great to relax this,
by providing simple fallbacks for people without JS support in their
browser, see quotes below.

Requiring JS would also break "no-fluff" and "minimalistic" claims,

So how could I bypass the admin view requiring JS ?  Is there a way to
manage content offline ?

I'm looking forward to see radiant as the first accessible Rails CMS !

Thanks for your attention,


   "developers need to provide fallback options for users on other
   platforms or browsers, as most methods of Ajax implementation rely
   on features only present in desktop graphical browsers."
     --Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajax_(programming)#Accessibility

   "AJAX and JavaScript are supposed to be used to enhance the user
   experience when run on a platform that supports it, they are not
   there to replace the job of the server in the first place"
     --Brett Parker, http://www.sommitrealweird.co.uk/blog/2006/08/29
Boris Daix
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